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About Me

Hello there and welcome to my profile! My name is AmzroSevca! I am a multi-media designer with a career in graphic design who, in their free time, explores other areas of interest such as audio engineering, web design, visual coding, writing, video production, and more! I began my journey on the internet back in 2006 when I was still a little kid and I would spend my time playing flash games or thinking up ideas for game consoles. As the years went by I gained an interest in interface design and how the internet worked. I would spend hours as a kid re-creating menu interfaces from video games or creating custom graphics for forums and other social sites that I was apart of.

Now years later as an adult I do all of these things and a whole lot more! I created Asveora in an effort to finally break free from the bleak prison that is the modern internet and encourage others to return to the origins of Web 2.0 (think of RingSurf) where everything was decentralized and personalized. Over the years I have used plenty of different services ranging from Skype to Amino to Instagram to Discord to Rocket Chat to Reddit to Twitter to you name it. But all of them suffered from the same issues of centralization, lack of customization, or ridiculous policies. Anyways I hope you are enjoying your time here on Asveora! ( ❛ᴗ❛ )